19-20-21 MARCH 2021
Peace is built every day: Villaggio della Pace awaits you with workshops and webinars to find and propose sustainable solutions to current global issues.
The events, also in English, involve young people from all over the world!
Dresscode: Wear a solid color T-shirt with one of the colors of the rainbow
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The Peace Village consists of six round tables that address current issues through the lens of Peace and Human Rights and through a transversal and interdisciplinary approach. By participating in the debate you will be able to learn about other cultures and perspectives, ask questions, listen and discuss!
Do not miss the opportunity to participate, join us!
Visit the event page for all the information on the round tables. Events!
An occasion to meet
The occasion for participants in Villaggio della Pace is to share with, and to meet, each other. Each one of us has his or her own needs, but through knowledge we discover that some are common needs: emotions, vulnerability, impressions, sadness, dissatisfaction, elation or resilience are shared feelings. Co-sharing means shaping a more united and supportive community.This is a moment that expresses one of the values of Villaggio della Pace: it tries to link and connect opinions and lives from all around the world.
On the 21st of March the afternoon plenary session will be held in English to welcome international speakers and young people.
See you soon!
«La pace è una scelta. Impariamo ad agire insieme»
«Peace is a choice. Let’s learn to act together»
«La paix est un choix. Apprenons à agir ensemble»
Circular Economy: social development.
19 March 2021 ore 15:00 @Villaggio della Pace
Promoting dialogue with youth on peace and human rights.
This roundtable will address the strong connection between economics and social development, and it will analyse how integration contributes to progress of human and labour development. Dialogue and exchange are synonymous with receptivity and foster social growth.
Green Corridor: economic development.
19 March 2021 ore 10:30 @Villaggio della Pace
Affirming dignity and common rights in the workplace.
This round table addresses the link between economic development and respect for the rights and dignity of workers. At the center of the debate is the need for common international rules to ensure equal workers’ dignity, combating exploitation and non-contractual work.
Politics, the Art of Governing: institutional education.
19 March 2021 ore 10:30@Villaggio della Pace
Developing an international common education in civics and economics.
This round table deals with the study of the roles of institutions to understand their actions and decisions.
Encourage an educational relationship that has both relational and organizational-institutional implications;
Reorganize the educational context in order to favor the autonomy of individuals and encourage dialogue with the community;
Embrace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, become its ambassadors and main actors in its dissemination and implementation.
Humanitarian Corridors: urban regeneration.
19 March 2021 ore 15:00 @Villaggio della Pace
Changing environmental and urban systems.
This round table deals with urban regeneration as a means of socialization between the inhabitants of the neighborhoods and as a point of connection and inclusion of all city needs. New forms of housing and the revaluation of urban spaces will be discussed.
Ecological economics and social justice
19 March 2021 ore 10:30@Villaggio della Pace
Cooperation is the engine of evolution.
This round table discusses the connection between the economic system and the global health system. Dialogue and discussion about respecting the planet and its biodiversity to ensure a healthy future, developing a sense of fair and inclusive community.
Communication and Design: social inclusion.
March 19, 2021 15:00 @Villaggio della Pace
Accessibility as a universal principle.
This round table deals with the close connection between technology and social innovation.
– The importance of spreading scientific notions of global utility and building accessible cities.
– The importance of words and communication as a vehicle for culture and inclusion.
– The power of music, sport and arts as tools for disseminating teachings
Share your thoughts
Send a question or a subject you would like to be addressed in one of the roundtables!
Villaggio della Pace (Peace Village) was founded in Rome to give voice to young people from all around the world who, like you, choose to be actively engaged in the development of the society they live in and for whom peace is a fundamental value. You will have the chance to discuss with institutional representatives, secular and religious community leaders, representatives from civil society organisations, Nobel Peace Prize laureates and young activists to find and propose sustainable solutions to current global issues. Villaggio della Pace gives you the opportunity to express your opinions, to ask questions of world leaders and to propose new ideas to build an inclusive, non-discriminatory society based on peace and human rights. Moreover, we will reuse some public buildings in Rome (and other cities) that are not needed anymore to build a permanent peace lab, where you will be able to cooperate with your peers and organise recreational and cultural activities that promote peace.
Join us!
Main plenary – 21 September
Peace for Claudio
Rondine – Cittadella della Pace (AR)
Peace for Stanislao Di Piazza
Peace for Rav Piperno
Peace for Daniela
Peace for Lucia
Peace for Giovanni
On March 20, Villaggio della Pace will join A ricordare e riveder le stelle, an initiative from Libera, Italian non governmental association for social promotion against the mafia, on the occasion of the 26th National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Mafia Violence.
«Chiunque è in grado di esprimere qualcosa deve esprimerlo al meglio. Questo è tutto quello che si può dire, non si può chiedere perché. Non si può chiedere ad un alpinista perché lo fa. Lo fa e basta. A scuola avevo un professore di filosofia che voleva sapere se, secondo noi, si era felici quando si è ricchi o quando si soddisfano gli ideali. Allora avrei risposto: Quando si è ricchi. Invece aveva ragione lui».
Giovanni Falcone
«Se la gioventù le negherà il consenso, anche l'onnipotente e misteriosa mafia svanirà come un incubo».
Paolo Borsellino
«Se si insegnasse la bellezza alla gente, la si fornirebbe di un'arma contro la rassegnazione, la paura e l'omertà. All'esistenza di orrendi palazzi sorti all'improvviso, con tutto il loro squallore, da operazioni speculative, ci si abitua con pronta facilità, si mettono le tendine alle finestre, le piante sul davanzale, e presto ci si dimentica di come erano quei luoghi prima, ed ogni cosa, per il solo fatto che è così, pare dover essere così da sempre e per sempre. È per questo che bisognerebbe educare la gente alla bellezza: perché in uomini e donne non si insinui più l'abitudine e la rassegnazione ma rimangano sempre vivi la curiosità e lo stupore».
discovery diversity – on the trail of diversity
Discovering Diversity is a video game that will allow all players, regardless of their physical, sensory, personal, linguistic, cultural and religious characteristics, to experience a series of adventures throughout the Italian territory.
It is also a tool for educating about human diversity as a great opportunity to foster the encounter between cultures and religions, to recover intergenerational dialogue and to affirm the right to beauty and peace for all.
On the way to Peace
Villaggio della Pace wants to transform dialogues into educational paths, exported to different places: national institutions , classrooms, international meetings and Peace Marches with the aim of valuing and expanding the engagement of young people, civil society organisations, institutions, and Nobel Peace Prize laureates to develop education on peace and citizenship for children and young people.
A Peace March from Rome will pass through other Italian cities and arrive in the Middle East; let’s meet in the cities!
«Peace is a choice. Let’s learn to act together»
If you want to become a citizen of Villaggio della Pace, or if you represent a city and want to open a new Villaggio della Pace, please get in touch with us.
Tony Nader
A project by
Web developer: Jacopo Grifoni
Brand Identity: Hugo Silva
UX Design: Nicole Henriques
Motion: Miguel Serra
Strategy Designer: Martina Rando